Page 101 - Demo
P. 101
91Medical Jewelry PendantsYellow & White GoldMEDICAL IDXM456N$202 XM402N$228 XM455N$94XM401N$97Medical Jewelry Care & HandlingMaterials used for the epoxy enameling are strong and durable. The following will help ensure the epoxy stays in place:*Enameling cannot take heat from torches, over-polishing, steaming, or very hot ultrasonic cleaners.*Metal plates with epoxy enameling must not be bent.*Minimal cleaning in ultrasonic cleaner.Some styles can be ordered without enameling, these are noted with the style number ending in an \Attachable Emblemswithout enamelXM522*1.2g$259XM467$767XM465$767XM466$1,253XM468$1,252XM30$1,327XM31$937XM36$423XM441$423XM442$937Colors may vary on enameled or acrylic product. All medical jewelry items are enameled and engraveable unless stated otherwise.For engraving services, see pages 1262-1263. *Not engraveable due to textured back. Please see pages 84-89 for medical ID bracelets. MEDICAL IDXM444$249XM407$574XM445$574XM417$2,292XM56$1,224XM55$767XM415$1,243XM451$711XM414$711 XM450$301XM413$315XM453$415XM405$791XM406$237XM404$436XM408$786XM409$1,050XM410$1,352XM411$2,052XM446$787Engraving example on reverse side of XM417