Page 269 - Demo
P. 269
259PEARLSColor, size, and shape of freshwater cultured pearls may vary slightly. Lengths may vary slightly due to the hand-stringing and hand-knotting of the product. Freshwater Cultured Pearl Bracelets & NecklacesXF413 18\ (6-7mm) Near round Necklace Multicolor (3 strand) White gold $465XF553 21\ (6-7mm) Near round Necklace White (3 strand) $502XF412 18\ (6-7mm) Near round Necklace Multicolor (3 strand) $465Alternate view of XF413 18\Alternate view of XF412 18\XF766 18\ (7x11mm) Baroque Necklace White $290, 20\ $302XF767 18\ (7x11mm) Baroque Necklace Black (White gold) $290PR13 18\ (5-6mm) Near round Necklace White (2 strand) $728PR14 7.5\PR13 7.5\Alternate view of XF553 21\